A person who has gone missing primarily as a result of problems relating to their health; a person whose behaviour is influenced by their current medical condition.

There are low numbers of mispers in this category therefore the ststistics should be used with caution.

By Terrain

Male Female Other Total
Farmland 3 0 0 3
Moorland / Upland 1 1 0 2
Urban 6 1 0 7
Woodland / Parkland 0 1 0 1
Total: 10 3 0 13

By Outcome

n %
Unhurt 8 61.5%
Fatality 3 23.1%
Minor Injury 1 7.7%
Unknown 1 7.7%

By Location Found

Habitation 4
Linear Feature 1
Not Found 2
Open Ground 2
Travel Aid 3
Trees 1

Distance From IPP (Km)

10% 1 Km
20% 2 Km
30% 2.5 Km
40% 3.5 Km
50% 5 Km
60% 5 Km
70% 8 Km
80% 15 Km
90% 17.66 Km
100% 50 Km
Category Information from 2011 Study
